Monday, 9 May 2011

You may open your


So, I'm totally stressing about exams, even though I really shouldn't be because I keep getting told that your first year of university is pretty much....non existent on the importance scale.

I have a huge sore throat at the moment, which really didn't help me in my exam today. The room was full of air conditioning so I kept having to swallow and my throat was being such a pain! I'm hoping I'm not getting a Summer cold. My next (and last) exam is on Saturday, yes- a Saturday! Who said it was necessary for exams to be on Saturdays?! I Pay these people over £3,200 for the year and this is how I get repaid! Unbelievable.

When it's come to revising, I shamefully haven't done any, until the morning of the exam. It's just getting started with revision I simply cannot do. Once I'm started, I'm fine. I have tried various motivation methods, such as rewards- however I lose all self control and just skip to the rewards. Hello, BlackBerry!! :D

Anyone who is reading this, good luck in your exams, whether they matter or not!