Friday 25 March 2011

Nearly There!

Hello again people!

It's good to see that my followers have now increased to 5 whole people :D This does make me happy!

On the other hand, I have the added 'SpringTime' pressue of major university assignment deadlines to deal with. It's procrastination I have problems with; the thing is, I'm amazing at procrastinating, especially with shopping :)

I can't believe that I'm nearly a THIRD through my university degree! It's scary stuff, and it's going mega-quick, but right now I can't be happier for this. The long term-times have been hard to get used to; especially when you have a break or a day off every other day when you're at high school. Oh I miss the primitive times!

Hope you're all good, and I can learn how to get a decent background on this blog soon. I want something unique! However whenever I try to paste in the HTML code, I only get half a decent background and half a Blogger one....what a conundrum.

Toodles! x

Friday 11 March 2011

Japan: My Thoughts are with you!

Okay, so I've managed to make a second post....all is good so far.

However poor Japan on the news today! My thoughts are with them, and I'm thinking about the other places too such as West coast America, New Zealand, etc.

I looked on the news videos today and it looks so horrific!

The Scale of the Earthquake.
I won't lie though; I never look at BBC News. It was from the Google homepage that I found out the news. When Google puts something on their homepage, you know it's bad.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Total N00b

Okay, my first ever blog post.

I am a TOTAL n00b at this so it's going to take me ages to adjust to this thing! My first task is to gather some followers...